
"CroKnows: The Future of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan" 抄訳 + 書き起こし



Hey guys, Welcome to my video about the meta post nerfs.

So, in a couple of weeks Blizzard is gonna be nerfing Small-time Buccaneer and Spirit Claws, and this video is gonna be about what I think which deck will be the best and how the meta game will look like after the patch.

To start off with the video, I wanna talk about I guess some assumptions I'm going to make on how Hearthstone works and which deck generally counter what.

So I guess the first thing I wanna state is that, for the history of Hearthstone, I've come to the conclusion that for the most part Aggro decks have beaten Midrange decks and Midrange decks have beaten Control decks and Control decks beaten Aggro, so it's like the cycle of life as far as the archetype goes.

I'm gonna be leaving out Combo decks from this discussion because each one is kinda weird in its own way and they all play kinda differently, also Blizzard is kinda phasing them out in general, you know, taking out like OTK combos things like that so it's not even like that relevant going to the future of the game, so.

And reasons why I think that this circle is true is because 1) Hearthstone is a board-contol game where the aggressor has the option to dictate the minion trades.

Second thing I wanna say is what happens is Control decks, you generally combat early aggression through AoE and removal whereas Midrange decks kinda try to duke it out with minions, so, that's the reason why I think Aggro decks have generally beaten Midrange decks because Midrange decks just dropping minions into a player with already board-contol whereas Contol decks have extra removals and AoE to make a comebacks, perhaps healings as well.

Midrange decks can also just run as many big threats as Control decks; Things like Tirion and Ragnaros even more like anti-contol 6 drops like Cairne and Sylvanas, things like that. So Midrange decks also have access to things like Quartermaster before, now they have the Jade mechanic. They can basically run like as much values as Control decks but, in the slots for Control decks run AoE, they generally run more Midrange minions which are generally between 3 and 5 drops, it counters Midrange minons depending how small the 3 drop is I guess.

So my fairly bald assumption here is that all 3 archetypes will always be played unless Blizzard goes extremely off in the balance. But they're going to tune their decklist according to what is dominant in the meta and this is very much so self-correcting.

Unless something drastically goes wrong with card balance before the expansion, There's always gonna be Aggro and Midrange and Control decks in the meta, no matter which deck or archetype is the most dominant, the meta will always gonna self-correct itself.

Because that's just kinda how equilibrium works. If too many people play one deck, few people playing another deck will counter that deck and that archetype in general.

So, right now, it's clear that it's an Aggro meta. From what we see right now, You have anti-aggro, aggro shaman, people running all these board control tools like Mealstrom Portal, Midrange decks just are not very strong in generals, Jade Druid and Dragon Priest, for example, are probably the two best Midrange decks and they're not very common because it's hard for 'em to tune enough, but if you look at how they tuned, Dragon Priests running Potion of Madness and Swamp Ooze,  Druids running double Feral Rage, things like that. They're trying to tune against Aggro as well.

And if you look at Control decks, yeah that's counter to Aggro in general, but they also tuned very much so against the Aggro.

But what I wanna say is that the cycle is only in the general sense, I believe any archetype can tune towards another one, for an example, I do believe that an Anti-Druid Reno Mage can beat an Anti-Aggro Jade Druid. But, for natural order things, An Anti-Druid Reno Mage will probably lose to an Anti-Reno Jade Druid if they both go 100% on each other.

So by going 100% I mean, As the Druid player if all you trying to do is beat Reno Mage and Reno player if all you trying to do is beat Jade Druid, I do think that the Jade Druid come out ahead. But right now Jade Druids are tuned Anti-Aggro, and Reno Mages are tuned Anti-Aggro. I believe Jade Druids just stay the same and Reno Mages, you know.

So I'm gonna be talking about this in the later parts of the video for a lot of example decklist before I make my (?) of what I think the best deck will be.

Alright, so, Take a look at the current decklists.You can probably see that, from most tournaments and ladder decklist they are tuned pretty Anti-Aggro.

Ok let's talk about post patch now. Post patch, I am gonna make an (?) that Spirit Claws and Small-Time Buccaneer will NOT be played anymore. This is my assumption base on the analysis of the power level of the card post patch.

A 1 mana 1/1 that goes to 3/1 after you equip weapon, is not strong enough. It's just simply not that good. 2 mana Spirit Claws is not even remotely close to being good as well. (?) close because it's only 1-mana difference so you could say it's close, but it's not realistic. It has to be better than other stuff, and it's not. 2 mana 1/3 weapon that you have to have then later on roll spell power or play something like Bloodmage is not nearly strong enough I think, You can't play Spirit Claws turn 1 and then curve out after there with Hero Power and other minions. It's kinda something that dedicate your entire turn too early, not just like kinda after (?) if you missed your 1 drop play.

Anyways, I'm predicting a Midrange-meta post nerfs, with all 3 archetypes targeting Midrange decks like Jade Druid and Dragon Priest first and foremost, but there aren't only Midrange decks. So let's take the example of some of my Post-Patch decklist that I am making up here.

First one to look at, Potentially like an Aggro Shaman, Let's see, So, I don't think Shaman will be playing Pirates post patch. Because, Out of 3 Patches-class right now, which are Shaman, Warrior and Rogue. Shaman has the weakest Patches synergy but is still playing Patches. Because Shaman has no class Pirates whereas Warrior has N'Zoth's First Mate and Rogue has Swashburgler. Warriors and Rogue also has easier access to weapons post patch. Because Rogue obviously just Hero Powers and Warrior first of all has Fiery War Axe and second of all Warrior has N'Zoth's First Mate which also generates the weapon. So N'Zoth's First Mate is like the anchor to the Pirates because is both a Pirate and Weapon to activate the other Pirates like a Southsea Deckhand. So because both Buccaneer and Spirit Claws has been taken out from Shaman, at that point, even if you do run Southsea Deckhand you only have the early game Jade Claws, 2 weapons not really enough to run Pirates I believe.

So this is maybe, I've seen Fr0zen running stuffs like this Finnja package, things like (?) Hammer of Twilight, You can also run this kinda deck with Doomhammer but if I did say so Midrange-Oriented Meta and Aggro Shaman has good Jade mechanic here I do believe having something like Hammer of Twilight to generate 4/2 and Finnja to make explosive board against something like Jade Druid is pretty good. So this is kinda my take on an Aggro Shaman post patch. As you can see, looks a lot weaker than before. Not nearly as explosive without Pirates.

Also my (?) of this deck is without the density of early game proactive minions, We have 2 Tunnel Troggs and 1 Sir Finley then we have only 2 Totem Golems, We just can't have consistency of... Like Aggro Shaman in the past was always been kinda inconsistent right? You know they could always kinda curve out 1-2-3-4 into Flamewreathed Faceless into Burn into Doomhammer, It's always felt kinda unstoppable sometimes if it's curved out. But reason why Aggro Shaman is so strong now is they ALWAYS curves out. Because you have so many different kind of means you can curve out. You can still go Tunnel Trogg into Totem Golem and Ferel Spirit then Flamewrethed or you can go for Pirates openings. Or you could go for other things as well. And Flametongue also is gonna be weaker in this deck than before. So I do think Aggros can (?).

As for a Pirate Warrior I didn't make deck for post patch but I still think Pirate Warrior gonna be played. Just a fair bit weaker.

Alright, let's go into like, so this my example of Anti-Midrange Renolock. Because if you wanna target Jade Druids and Dragon Priests, Things like Krul isvery powerful because those kind of decks generally don't have great board clears and sometimes Jaraxxus is not even the best play against something Jade Druid are too fast and it's hard to play and be safe sometimes. But anyways, if you pull out a 3/15 and then you Argus it and then it's fine as well.

So this is kind of what my examples. (?) Sense Demons to just trying to hit that critical (?) in demons for Krul. It's also demon as well as Felguard. Because with this deck your mana curve is so much higher than Anti-Aggro Reno decks of nowadays, You probably not gonna even have to play Felguard any time around turn 3. It's kinda just how Blastcrystal Potion is. Closer to turn 10 you play it, the less does mana matter. So Felguard is really cool in this list because you either play close to turn 10 and just have other stuff to do in the midgame, or you can just pull it out with Krul and this (?) good amount of demons. I think this deck will give Jade Druids and Dragon Priest kinda run for its money, it's good place to start post patch maybe, depending how Aggro goes.

This is my example of Anti-Midrange Renomage. As you can see it's kinda very similar to Lifecoach's list of some of the weeks, or months, in the past. You have deck being built around say Medivh and Sylvanas. So you have a lot of these big bombs that Jade Druid has hard time (?) with. Like Emperor and Sylvanas and Antonidas and Medivh.

Inkmaster is much better. I don't play Inkmaster currently, a lot of people do; regardless of that it's not that great against Aggro, I don't think anyone argues that that's good card against Aggro. People just wanna play it just because it's power level of the card is pretty high. I also don't think Inkmaster is great against other Control deck because Control match-ups, depending on which Control match-up, Renomage Mirror is not very tempo-based either, but no, it's pretty good against Renolock, Anyways, it's really really good against Midrange decks because Midrange against Control is all about tempo. Like 0 mana 5/5. So this is kind of maybe place to start post patch.

Now I'm gonna do my Jade Druid post patch. Potentially you're cutting Living Roots and Feral Rage because those are kinda Anti-Aggro cards now. It depends how the meta is shaping up post patch but if people are playing almost all Midrange decks and that becomes dominant archetype, I think this is pretty good.

If Reno decks are still actually giving Jade Druids a run for its money because they tech for Midrange, I can see this deck running double Gagdeztan Auctioneer to keep up with the card, you know card draws are just super good. Anyways, against Midrange Mirror, having 2 Gadgeztan is not too great, it's mostly about tempo so having some extra cards like Druid of the Claw and an extra Ancient of War and Sylvanas and Ragnaros are kinda my 4 tech cards that I put it in instead of the Feral Rages and the Living Roots.

(?) finish up the video, I'm gonna predict that Jade Druid WILL be the strongest deck post patch. I think that the Aggro decks have taken the fair beating with Small-Time Buccaneer and Spirit Claws nerfs. And I think that a lot of decks will be targeting towards Midrange decks in the future.

But yeah, I do think the meta is extremely self-correcting and all existing archetypes will still be played for different purposes than before. I guess I wanna like end this video with kind of like 'Call-to-Action' I guess, of you know like maybe to get the community or the Internet hive mind, you know, everyone to analyze how truth of my point have been because another card game it's definitely not true that Aggro beats Midrange, Midrange beats Control, Control beats Aggro. It's actually complete opposite where Control decks beat Midrange, Midrange decks beat Aggro like Magic: The Gathering.

I think that's based on some core mechanics of the game where Hearthstone the attacker has the initiative so if you're a little bit faster in (?) of the Hearthstone you can take all the good board trades whereas in a card game like Magic the defender has the initiative. 1 2/2 minion can beat 4 1/1 minions in Magic just (?) how the game works. You can't attack the minions in Magic: The Gathering, you can only attack the face; and they can block with the minion they want to and they will kill it for value.

That's why I do wanna talk about this. Then, the main thing I guess I wanna talk about, or you know, if other people (?) in the comments and see how true it is, is that I do think all 3 archetype will always be played unless something really goes off on the balance testing of Blizzard. Because I guess that's just how I think (?) equilibrium and kinda how meta game works. No deck can ever take over and there's always like a clear, or you know very, almost clear what the best decks are quickly after an expansion and it doesn't mean that other deck aren't played. It's just seems like a whole meta tunes towards, it's like self-correcting you know. I actually remember post-karazhan when Midrange Shaman was the best. They all just fighting against each other but at that point none of the Aggro decks were good. 'Cause the Midrange decks were too strong. I guess. I don't know... I guess I just wanna stop talking about that kind of a cycle in how true that is, how true that all 3 archetypes will always be played. Because I think personally the meta is really self-correcting.

Alright, well, thanks for watching my video. Tldr; Jade Druid No.1 and the meta will be changing to counter that deck. Alright. Bye guys.

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