- 同じように英語圏のファンも、文法的におかしいし英語としては何の意味もなかろーがお構いなしに、"ze"とか"da ze"を魔理沙のセリフの最後につけたりする
- 魔理沙は男口調で喋るけども、「俺」(男性一人称代名詞)を使うことは一切ない、この細かい基準に関して無頓着な輩が二次創作で魔理沙に「俺」と言わせようものなら、批難されることになる
- 魔理沙の「ぜ」の使い方はちょっと普通じゃない、というのも、「ぜ」は大抵(英語の"let's"と似て)"しようと思ってること"を表すような状況で使われるし、また他のケースではなんか不自然に、ともすれば見掛け倒しっぽいとか、気取ってるっぽいとかいう風に聞こえる―これを魔理沙が意図的に「演技している」として、その演技の下に女の子らしさを逆説的に見て取るファンもいる
The "ZE~" description
Due to her popular use of "ze" (ぜ) in her speech style, many fans tend to depict it into their fanworks in various ways: Such as
frequently or always adding "ze" at the end of her lines (which is very unnatural),
putting "ze" in speech or notes where the speaker/writer is suppose to be unknown but obviously identifying herself① as a joke,
forcibly trying to put "ze" in her line even if it breaks the grammar (e.g. "nannandaze!?" [なんなんだぜ!?, "what is this!?"]. The ze cannot be put here to be grammarly correct),
using "ze!" for a response "yes",
writing the "ze" in a special manner: Like in all caps English alphabet "ZE" or with stars "ぜ☆", and so on.
- Similarly, many fans in the English community put "ze" or "da ze" in the end of her line too, even if it's grammatically incorrect and doesn't make any sense in English.
- Although she speaks in a boyish tone, she's never seen to use ore - a masculine first-person pronoun commonly used by male in Japanese. In regard to this, some fans who aren't careful with canon details make Marisa to use ore in their fanworks and end up getting criticized.
- Because the use of ze in her speech is a bit unordinary - ze is mostly used in a context to express one's will to act (similar to "let's" English), and using it in other cases sound somewhat unnatural, perhaps "phony" or "showy" - some fans take this as she's intentionally "acting", paradoxically seeing a "girlish" expression underneath it.
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